model for -er verbs: parler
model for -ir verbs: choisir
model for -re verbs: vendre

tenir - model verb
Verbs that follow
this model:
  1. advenir
  2. appartenir
  3. avenir
  4. bienvenir
  5. circonvenir
  6. contenir
  7. contrevenir
  8. convenir
  9. détenir
  10. devenir
  11. disconvenir
  12. entretenir
  13. intervenir
  14. maintenir
  15. obtenir
  16. obvenir
  17. parvenir
  18. prévenir
  19. provenir
  20. redevenir
  21. retenir
  22. revenir
  23. s'abstenir
  24. se ressouvenir
  25. se souvenir
  26. soutenir
  27. souvenir
  28. subvenir
  29. survenir
  30. venir

Firefox and Chrome users: install a shortcut (Firefox or Chrome) then type "conj bienvenir" in your address bar for the fastest conjugations.


It is conjugated like: tenir
The verb bienvenir is only used in the infinitive.

*Blue letters in conjugations are irregular forms. (example)
*Red letters in conjugations are exceptions to the model. (example)
*Grayed conjugations are forms that are extremely rare.

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